Before Walk
- Choose route suitable to the grade with possible escape routes – a completed route card is a very useful tool;
- If a new member phones beforehand check their previous experience and give precise information about the planned route;
- Be fully informed about weather forecast for the day and adjust route if necessary;
- Endeavour to maintain fitness and to keep navigation and first aid skills up to date;
- Leaders should carry suitable first aid kit.
In the Car Park Key Questions :
1. Has everyone signed in? (Check contact numbes)
2. Any new walkers? (Introduce to the group)
3. Everyone got suitable gear : footwear, clothes, food, headtorch, waterproofs, change of clothes?
4. Do the drivers know where to go?
5. Everybody sorted for a lift?
6. This is the planned walk …………. (explain)……expected weather……..everybody comfortable with this?
7. Any medical condition leader should know about?
During walk
- The Leader should determine the pace of the walk to suit the group – may involve curtailing pace of very fast walkers on easy walks;
- Leader should bring the completed sign in sheet;
- The leader should continually monitor the group with particular care for new walkers, taking a regular headcount;
- Group should be kept informed of upcoming terrain, food stops ;
- Encouage information sharing about the location/environment;
- If pace slow be prepared to curtail walk and use escape route;
At end of walk
- Ensure everyone has returned to cars safe and well;
- Feedback to newcomers re. next suitable walk level;
- Advice to newcomers if deemed necessary re. upgrading gear prior to next walk;
- Suggest a venue for refreshments on route home;
- Invite feedback from participants
- Return completed walk report card to designated committee member;