Club Constitution


CLUB CONSTITUTION (as amended at EGM August 2019, AGM in 2012)

“The Mountaineering Council of Ireland (MCI) recognises that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a risk of personal injury or death.  Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement”.  

  • Name
    1. The name of the Club shall be “Wexford Hillwalking and Mountaineering Club”, hereinafter referred to as “the Club”.  

2.0 Objectives of the Club

2.1 To promote the enjoyment and interests of all aspects of mountaineering, including hillwalking, rambling, orienteering, camping and climbing amongst members of the Club.  

2.2 To teach and encourage the highest standards of safety.  

2.3 To act on behalf of, and in the interests of, Club members.  

2.4 To promote awareness of the need to maintain access, conservation and protection of the cliff, mountain and country environment.  

2.5 To take part in the work and activities of the MCI.  

3.0 Membership of the Club

3.1 Membership of the Club shall be open to persons over the age of 18 years, hereinafter referred to as “the Membership”.

3.2 In addition to 3.1 above, membership of the Club shall only be open to individuals who recognise that all aspects of mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death.  Members shall be aware of and accept these risks and agree to be responsible for their own actions and involvement.  

3.3 Club membership is not open to minors.  

3.4 Family membership is open to those families who have two or more persons (over 18 years) interested in pursuing the aims of the Club.  

3.5 The Club may terminate the membership of any member or refuse membership to any person whose conduct is deemed to be contrary to the interest of the Club.  Such a termination/refusal may only take place at an AGM or and EGM of the Club and only by a two-thirds majority of members present.  

3.6 Club membership shall operate from October (AGM) to the October (AGM) of the following year.  

4.0 Exclusion of Liability

4.1 Neither the Club nor any officer of the Club shall be liable to any member for any loss of, or damage to, property occurring from whatever cause, nor for any injuries sustained by any member as a result of the Club or its officers or from any other cause whilst participating in the activities of the Club.  The Club shall not be liable for any unapproved expenses or debts incurred by its members whilst taking part in Club related activities.  

5.0 Management of the Club

5.1 The management of the Club shall be entrusted to the Club Committee, hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”.  

5.2 The elected officers of the Club shall be the President/Chair, the Secretary, the Treasurer and up to five other Committee members.  

5.3 Officers of the Club shall be elected at the AGM from those present.  

5.4 Any non-attending member at the AGM or EGM may give written consent of willingness to serve on the Committee and may thus be eligible for election.  

5.5 Members who are unable to be present at meetings are entitled to make written submissions to meetings and to empower, in writing, another member to vote on their behalf.  No member may vote on behalf of more than one other member at any one meeting.  

5.6 Officers shall be re-elected each year.  

6.0 Committee of the Club

6.1 The Chair of the Club will normally preside at and chair all meetings of the Committee (or Club) and shall be responsible for the reporting to the Club at the Club’s AGM.  

6.2 The Committee shall be composed of the officers of the Club plus up to five elected members from the Club membership.

6.3 The Committee shall nominate a representative or representatives of the Club to attend MCI Council meetings and represent the views of the membership and vote on behalf of the Club.

6.4 The Club Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence relating to Club affairs and for announcing Committee meetings, and the production and distribution of minutes from these meetings.  The Secretary shall also be responsible for announcing the AGM and shall give at least 14 clear days’ notice of such a meeting and its agenda. Items for inclusion should be submitted at least 21 days prior to the AGM.  The Secretary shall keep records about the Membership of the Club and shall report to the MCI the size of the Membership.  

6.5 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of the subscriptions and will account for any other income and expenditure made on behalf of the Club.  The Treasurer shall be responsible for the payment of the membership subscription to the MCI and the insurance premium, if this option is taken up.  

6.6 The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional non-voting members.  

6.7 A quorum for a meeting of the Committee shall be half of the elected voting members.  In addition to the AGM the Committee (or Club) shall hold at least four meetings each year.  

7.0 Club Subscriptions

7.1 The Committee shall have the power to set membership subscription levels for the Club on an annual basis at the AGM.  

7.2 The expenditure of the Club shall be decided by the members of the Club at meetings.  Necessary expenses incurred between meetings shall be sanctioned by the President/Chair and the Treasurer.  

7.3 The Treasurer shall present to the Club accounts for approval at the AGM.  

8.0 Rules of the Club

8.1 The Committee shall have the power to set Club rules. Such rules shall be in accordance with the articles of the Club’s constitution and the policies of the MCI.

9.0 Amendments to the Constitution of the Club

9.1 The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority. Notice of any amendment must be delivered to the Secretary at least 21 days prior to the AGM. Amendments shall be deemed effective if two-thirds of those members present and voting vote in favour of that amendment.  

10.0 Dissolution of the Club

10.1 The Club can be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote, carried out in accordance with Article 9, whereupon the Committee will arrange to discharge any assets equally amongst the members or donated to charity.  Any liabilities at the time of dissolution shall be the joint responsibility of all members.