

Last Sunday’s 2 Boot walk saw four of us head out from Glendalough car park along the Spinc (the “far” end of which is currently having its wooden sleepers replaced). At the bridge over the Glenealo River we left the track and the crowds behind and climbed up over boggy ground towards the Turlough Hill reservoir. A few minutes further along the track towards Camaderry a peat hag provided welcome shelter for a late lunch from the strong wind blowing in from the south-west.

At this stage we thought the heavens were going to open, so we dashed eastwards over Camaderry, the day’s highest point (there was a brief and futile attempt to hold the map steady in the wind and peer through the compass’s magnifying glass to establish exactly what that height was) and then a bit of concentration was required for the steep descent to the disused lead works beside the Glendasan River.

A pleasant trudge along the river in the gathering gloom saw us back at the car, changed and on our way just as the forecast rain arrived. Thanks to everyone for an enjoyable day, and also to Siobhan for the photo.

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Route taken on 2 Boot walk, Sunday 14th January