Mountaineering Ireland’s Annual General Meeting will take place on the 24th March 2018, Aherlow House Hotel, (Diarmuid & Grainne Ballroom Suite), Glen of Aherlow, Co Tipperary.
AGM Timeframe
The timeframe for the AGM and Member’s Forum is as follows:
17.00 Meeting of Honorary and Individual members
17.30 – 18:00 Registration for Mountaineering Ireland AGM
18.00 Mountaineering Ireland AGM
18:45 Mountaineering Ireland Member’s Forum
The above AGM programme will take place in the Diarmuid & Grainne Ballroom Suite)
and tea / coffee and biscuits will be available for all.
Notice of AGM
Preliminary notice of the date, time and venue decided by the Board for the AGM was given in early December 2017 to all members in the publication of the Irish Mountain Log Issue No. 124.
Motions and Nominations
Mountaineering Ireland clubs and individual members are invited to put forward motions for discussion at the AGM and also to nominate members for positions on the board of Mountaineering Ireland. Motions and nominations may be submitted by any member club or by any three full members. Board members are elected for a two year term.
Motions and nominations must be submitted to the honorary secretary at or by post to Honorary Secretary, Mountaineering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, National Sports Campus, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 by 5:00pm on Friday February 23rd, 2018.
All Mountaineering Ireland members have the right to attend the AGM and vote.
Current Board
The current Board of Mountaineering Ireland is: Paul Barron; Francis Hackett; Nicky Hore; Paul Kellagher; Ursula MacPherson; Michael Maunsell; Ross Millar, Clare O’Connor; Patrick O’Sullivan; Irene Sorohan; Dawson Stelfox; Seamus Walsh; Simon Walsh.