Club members who travelled to the Nire Valley last Sun were lucky to be rewarded with one of the most spectacular mountain days in a very long while. There was a temperature inversion which means that cooler air closer to the ground remains moist and foggy while a layer of warmer air up higher is clearer and wonderfully sunny. Cool, long nights plus calm air help to create this unusual condition.
Mountain peaks in the distance peeped up through the low cloud like islands on a large white ocean.
Barry managed to get a good photograph also of a ‘brocken spectre’, which is like a circular rainbow in which it is possible to see your own shadow. This is a rare occurence.
The route went via the ‘Gap track’, before ascending the main plateau.
Lunch was in the balmy, November sunshine where worries varied from the lack of sunglasses to a shortage of sun screen!
Reluctantly the group left this wonderful paradise back into the low cloud and the dullness of the lowlands.
Memories of this day will be treasured.

Mt Leinster and Blackstairs Mt
Mt Leinster and Blackstairs Mt
Knockmealdowns and Galtymore in the far distance
Knockmealdowns and Galtymore in the far distance
Knockanaffrin Ridge with Slievenamon in the distance
Knockanaffrin Ridge with Slievenamon in the distance
Brocken Spectre
Brocken Spectre