There was a great turnout last Sunday for the Club’s annual introductory walk which took place on the slopes of Mt. Leinster. Over 50 walkers assembled at Bowe’s of Kiltealy before continuing to the trail start at Shannon’s Lane. First stop was at the former Shannon family homestead where current resident , Andrew Lloyd, related the tragic events of 2nd January 1941 when a German plane unloaded its deadly cargo on the Shannons killing all the women in the house; he then took the group to see the neolithic Knockroe ringstone that he had discovered while widening an existing gateway. Further information on cup and ring stones hereĀ 

The group continued up Shannon’s Lane turning right and descending to the Aughnabrisky River and up to Cloroge Mor at 380 metres, where it was time for lunch ! The group then were offered a selection of walks of varying length with the most eager making for an unfortunately viewless Mt Leinster.

Foggy on Cloroge Mor !